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As a child I loved running around my neighborhood barefoot, and my parents always struggled to squeeze any type of shoe onto my feet before sending me out to play. Although I still love the feeling of being barefoot, one too many cuts and stubbed toes over the years have taught me the significance of wearing good shoes.

Merrell’s understands this need for shoes that protect – yet give a natural feel and proper fit – and recently just came out with their new line of barefoot shoes for both kids and adults. With their new line of kid’s barefoot shoes they hope to inspire parents and kids alike to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air, all while keeping their feet safe and comfy.

Within the new barefoot line for kids, Merrell has created two different styles, Trail Glove Kids and Pure Glove Kids. The Trail Glove Kids shoes are for both boys and girls and have a protective Vibram sole complete with shock-absorption plates to protect those little feet.

The Pure Glove Kids shoes contain the same great features but are solely for girls. The difference between the two is in the design, as the Pure Glove Kids shoes take on an adorable Mary Jane look that allows your little girl to roughhouse with the boys all while looking her best.

I was fortunate to review a pair of the Pure Glove Kids for my 3 year-old daughter Brooke and we both absolutely loved them! Brooke liked the cool colors and fun design, and I appreciated how light and airy they while still providing the proper support and function.  

Like most kids, Brooke loves to play outside and sometimes forgets to put on shoes – or only puts on flip flops – which typically results in a stumble and fall and skinned knees or a scratched up foot. With the Pure Glove Kids, Brooke can still have the comfortable feel of being barefoot, and I can feel good about the support they provide.

Four lucky Mom Central members will be selected to receive a pair of Merrell shoes. We'll pick 2 winners to receive a pair of kid's shoes from their new Barefoot Line, as well as 2 winners to receive a pair of women's shoes!

This giveaway is now closed.

To learn more about Merrell’s Barefoot Kids line, visit For more information on their adult line, including special tips and recommendations for barefoot training, check out

Disclosure: Mom Central received shoes courtesy of Merrell to facilitate this review and giveaway.

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