Eating Healthy with Viatek’s Life Juicer

Eating Healthy with Viatek’s Life Juicer

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Mom Central received a Viatek’s Life Juicer to facilitate this review. The views expressed here are entirely our own.

With fresh New Year’s resolutions still on our minds, many of us continue to commit ourselves to eating right and focusing on our bodies as the year goes on. For some, that pact comes in the form of a strict diet. For others, it’s a daily exercise regimen. Whether your health plan involves partaking in an intense juice cleanse or simply increasing daily fruits and vegetables, Viatek’s Life Juicer will come in handy in achieving your healthy eating goals.

While juicing proves a great way to bulk up daily fruit and veggie intake, many often criticize the process for leeching the nutrients out of foods. The Life Juicer, however, has adopted a new method of juicing that releases 60% more vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and enzymes than standard juicers. Rather than squeezing the contents and leaving the “good stuff” behind, the Life Juicer maintains the health benefits of the foods in their natural states.

The Life Juicer’s method of juicing maximizes the juice yield from fruits and vegetables, producing up to 35% more juice than standard juicers. To increase efficiency, the silent-motor appliance works in two steps: first, it crushes the contents—anything from fruits and vegetables to nuts and soybeans—and then presses them into juice, ejecting the pulp into a side compartment. Meanwhile, a built-in rotary brush ensures that the liquid juice and the pulp do not intermix and keeps the juicer from clogging with pulp. Because of the dual-process, the Life Juicer spouts pulp-free juice that does not separate, a common issue with many centrifugal juicers.

Viatek Life Juicer
Sticking to your healthy eating resolutions can prove a major challenge, but with the hassle-free Life Juicer, juicing can become an easy and nutritious step on your path to a healthier self. To find out more about Vitek’s Life Juice, go to

Featured Image Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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