Volunteering with DoSomething.org

Volunteering with DoSomething.org

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As parents, it becomes our responsibility to instill the importance of community service and help our kids get involved. By bringing them along to volunteer at a local animal shelter, food drive, or school fundraiser, children may experience the fun and fulfillment of helping others at a young age. Introducing kids to the idea of volunteerism early often helps kids to decide to participate on their own later on.

Community involvement also arises as an important subject during the college application process. Don’t let this be the wake-up call that sends your child rushing to volunteer in hopes of being accepted to their dream school.

Not sure where to start? DoSomething.org allows you to join existing volunteer programs or find ideas on how to start your own initiative. The site provides guidance for special interests including the environment, education, health and fitness, bullying, poverty, and much more. Whether looking for a long-term project or a quick opportunity, DoSomething.org has tips to help you start making a difference.

That daunting college application will be filled with volunteer work if your child finds a cause to commit to. In a recent survey conducted by DoSomething.org, 76% of college admission officers reported that “good citizenship” plays a critical role in admission decisions and community service was ranked the fourth most important decision factor (above interviews and reference letters).

Even if it seems too early for college planning, taking time to volunteer provides the perfect way to give back to your local community.  Help your family get out there and DO something – anything – with the help of DoSomething.org

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