Welcoming Spring with T.J. Maxx and Marshalls

Welcoming Spring with T.J. Maxx and Marshalls

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Disclosure: We were invited to an event to preview the Spring Home Collection from T.J. Maxx and Marshalls. All opinions are our own.

TJ Maxx2What more ideal time to freshen up our style than springtime? Many of us wear softer colors, bring out our pastel-colored purses, and don brighter accessories. Why not take these happier spring color trends into our homes, as well? With fresh, new styles and unbeatable prices, T.J. Maxx and Marshalls stores make it easy to shop for the spring season and all its happy occasions.

We were invited to a special preview event of the Spring Home Collection from Marshalls and T.J. Maxx at New York City’s Bouley Botanical – a living event space – perfectly-suited to the event’s theme: the newness that springtime brings, with all its refreshing possibility.

TJ Maxx Spring3The space was decorated to showcase the beautiful, and affordable, spring décor now available in stores. We sat at a table adorned with an Easter theme. We loved the beautiful egg holders, and adorable table decorations like the bunny salt and pepper shakers! From cookie cutters and cake molds, to adorable plates, T.J. Maxx and Marshalls obviously work hard be our destination for springtime décor.

TJ Maxx Spring4Celebrating Mother’s Day at home with your family? Why not pick out out some luxe home accessories to make the day extra special?  Whether you are enjoying tea and cookies with your little ones, or having your mother over for dinner, this gorgeous floral cake stand and butterfly tea will brighten your day!

TJ Maxx Spring5For a general springtime pick-me-up, we fell madly in love with these beautiful green goblets, and floral plates and bowls! They are certain to enhance any springtime meal when hosting friends or just enjoying dinners with your family.

Be sure to stop by your local T.J. Maxx and Marshalls stores to shop for the latest spring décor items!


Photo Credit: m-imagephotography/Thinkstock


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Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey
Lorianne Lacey