When are you too old to go trick-or-treating?

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When are you too old to go trick-or-treating? Well, I’m 13, in middle school, and I’m going trick-or-treating this year. Although, this will probably be my last year.

Next year I’ll be in high school and I don’t think that I’d want to go anymore as many of my friends have already stopped participating in this tradition. You should be around 12 or 13 when you stop trick-or-treating because you’re entering the teenage years.

I decided to go this year because I think I could get one more year of trick-or-treating in without people telling me that I’m too old to go.

I also think that middle schoolers should be able to go trick-or-treating by themselves. In middle school it is “un-cool” to go trick-or-treating with your parents. So long as I’m with a group of people, I’ll be safe.

High school is when I’ll stop trick-or-treating and then I’ll go again when I have children. In high school I’ll most likely go to Halloween parties instead and won’t be interesting in getting all dressed up and going from door to door asking for candy. Although I really like thinking about creative costume ideas and getting dressed up! I suppose I could also just buy a bag of candy and eat it while watching scary movies.

I do have one advantage over my peers. I have a baby sister who will experience her first Halloween this year. Perhaps I can sneak in a few more years by taking her – I mean it would only be doing my duty as a big sister, right?

How old is too old for trick-or-treating? Tell me what you think in the comments below!


Emilee is an 8th grade student, a violinist and top swimmer on her swim team, the Wavemakers.

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