Two Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills »
If you’re reading this, I assume you’ve been doing this blogging thing for awhile now and feel you’re a fairly competent writer. Posting frequently helps build up your writing chops, and was one of the reasons I started blogging at A Mama’s Rant over five years ago. Still, at some point you may feel like you’re stuck and could be a better writer. So what are ways to improve your writing?
Read more...Should You Join a Blog Network? »
Recently, a friend who is new to blogging asked me if she should join a blog network. She wondered if the exposure would be beneficial to her writing career and if the money was any good. Here’s what I told her.
Read more...Clean Up Your Online Presence and Brand »
Branding is a big buzz word in blogging. So what exactly does it mean? Simply it’s the way all the elements of your blog (layout, design, blog name, URL, monetization, writing voice and posting style) convey an image to readers. You can think of it as your style or even your online reputation.
Read more...Pursuing La Vita Freelance with WOW! Women on Writing »
WOW! Women on Writing is an online magazine devoted to supporting women's creativity, energy, blood, sweat and tears, throughout all stages of the writing process. They promote communication between women writers, authors, editors, agents, publishers and readers and hope to fill the missing gap between writing websites and women's magazines.
Read more...$30 Can Make You a Better Blogger and Help You Build Traffic »
If you’re going to make an investment in your blogging this year, you should check out two ebooks being offered by a couple of top bloggers – Darren Rowse of CopyBlogger and Chris Garret of
Read more...Spring Cleaning Your Twitter Account with UnTweeps »
Have you noticed that you’re following people you haven’t heard from in awhile – like all those people who are tweeting as Mad Men characters? Well, UnTweeps is a Twitter application that lets you unfollow those dead accounts.
Read more...Internet Marketing for Smart People »
I just attended all three days of BlogWorld Expo. It was the first year I had the full access pass thanks to winning a 50% discount on the BlogWorld Expo Facebook page. I’m so glad I did, because I got to sit in on Internet Marketing for Smart People. This session featured Darren Rowse, Brian Clark and Chris Brogan and was moderated by the fabulous Sonia Simone.
Read more...How to Get More Inbound Links to Your Blog: Blog Carnivals »
To rise in page rank and get more search engine traffic to your blog, you need more inbound links (links from other blogs and websites to your blog and posts). So how do you know how many inbound links you have? The easiest way is by going to and entering link: and seeing what the results are.
Read more...Three Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Blog »
One of the best ways to market your blog is by being active in your community. If you’re a food blogger, you should visit, read and comment at other food blogs. If you’re a seasoned blogger, that should seem obvious as does promoting your posts on Twitter, creating a fan page on Facebook or using LinkedIn. (For the less experienced bloggers, I’ll touch on these subjects later here at Mom Central Blogger University.)
Read more...Fighting the Advertising/Affiliate Program Tax in Your State »
I’ve had a couple of busy weeks emailing my state representatives about Colorado HB-1193, the advertising tax that affects bloggers and website owners who work with affiliate programs like or Amazon.
Read more...Cool Tools: Blog Editing Software »
Have there been times when you’ve been writing online in your blogging platform of choice, and you hit save or post and all you get is a blank screen? Doesn't all the hard work you’ve just lost make you want to scream?