Tooth Fairy 2 Set Visit »

Earlier in March, I had the opportunity to visit the set of Tooth Fairy 2, starring Larry the Cable Guy, in Orlando, FL. With temperatures in Boston hovering around 30 and a good foot of snow still on the ground, it didn’t take much convincing for me to pack my bags and take off for Universal Studios.


Family-friendly flying with Southwest Airlines »

A few weeks ago my three-year old daughter and I flew to Florida to visit my parents. Thanks to having both sets of grandparents out-of-state, my toddler is quite the seasoned traveler. But this was one of our first solo flights, so I would be lying if I admitted I was fully confident to take to the air on my own with a little traveler in tow.


What makes a great party? Just ask Party City! »

Beyond good food and good friends, a good party is all about creativity. I just returned from a weekend in Hilton Head, South Carolina, where Party City put on some of the most creative parties I’ve ever seen. We went to one amazing event after another, designed for kids of all ages and their parents. There was something for everyone.


Chicken and Shrimp Egg Rolls »

Have you ever wondered how to make those delicious egg rolls you love so much? The recipe below is a variation of traditional egg rolls. Instead of pork and cabbage filling, this recipe uses chicken and shrimp.


Tips for finding a babysitter »

While spending time away from your young children may be difficult at first, as they grow it can become necessary to have a night out once in a while. Unfortunately, not everyone has family or friends close by that are willing or able to babysit so finding a great babysitter becomes a priority. In order to find a babysitter that you trust and you and your kids love, follow these tips:


Book Review: Stuff Every Husband Should Know »

You successfully navigated years of dating, the anxiety of a proposal, and the stress of a wedding. Time for the smooth sailing to begin? Not so fast. The next step is learning that there are unwritten rules that she knows but won’t directly fill you in on. It’s like the secret code that you tried to decipher on the back of the cereal box as a kid—minus the fact that its far more complicated and doesn’t come with an upside-down answer key.


Kid-friendly airports »

Before soaking up the hot rays of sun on the beautiful beach or exploring every corner of the enormous amusement park, you have to worry about getting there first! Traveling with your children can be a trying experience—especially when the batteries on their iPods or gaming devices run out (let the headaches begin). While some people, like myself, would rather watch flowers grow than wait at an airport with a group of kids, these notable airports make the wait a whole lot easier.


Johnsonville Italian Meatballs »

Try this new recipe from Johnsonville Sausage. It's sure to be the perfect meal for your family and friends.


Johnsonville Sausage “Kitchen to Kitchen” Mom Blogger Event »

Arriving in snowy Milwaukee on Wednesday mid-day, I embarked on an exciting two days of in-depth meetings and fun cooking immersions with the Johnsonville brand teams. This event marked the first time that the brand team has invited influential Moms to come spend time with them – both to learn more about the brand’s new positioning in the midst of robust sales to add to their existing strong equity on the grill and to focus on bringing their sausages into the kitchen, helping moms create diverse, flavorful family meals.


Finally! A Diet Soda Just For Guys – Dr. Pepper Ten »

As a modern man, I consider myself open to all things once deemed solely for the female of the species. Activities such as plucking one’s eyebrows, cooking food with expensive cutlery, and of course, watching television shows wherein wealthy housewives behave badly. Ah yes, the modern man finds himself deeply entrenched in areas of life that were once deemed solely for the fairer sex. Alas, the one thing that eluded modern man was a diet soda to call his own.


March Madness Turkey Chili Dip »

Over 13 million men and 12.6 million women in the US are living with diabetes. That’s why NBA All-Star and Hall-of-Famer Earl “The Pearl” Monroe, who has Type 2 diabetes himself, has teamed up on the Diabetes Restaurant Month program.