LEGO Universe update: a brand new world! »
Do you know about LEGO Universe? If you don’t, here’s a quick explanation: LEGO Universe is an awesome MMOG (massively multi-player on-line game) that allows you to create your very own LEGO avatar, explore awesome worlds and interact with other players. You can learn more about it by reading my blog post about LEGO Universe.
Read more...The bloggy overshare »
In a recent post on the New York Times Motherlode blog, Lisa Belkin ponders whether Mom bloggers are jinxed, since it seems every day there is another mom blogger facing disaster. The disasters, I assure you, are real. But is this the question?
Read more...Driving the Pacific Coast Highway »
Last week, my family and I took a vacation to California to road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco along the Pacific Coast Highway. About a 500 mile trip, we decided to do the drive “backwards,” which meant we were on the inside of the narrow, curving road, rather than along the cliffs. Since we had a week, we took our time and picked a few scenic, small towns to stop along the way.
Read more...Tart Cherry and Camembert Phyllo Tartlets »
When it comes to losing weight, there’s not one-size-fits-all diet. Some people like going to group meetings. Others like to join an online site to manage their food journal. Yet, here’s something to be said for a traditional approach of counting calories. That’s where the 400 Calorie Fix: The Easy New Rule for Permanent Weight Loss! comes in. Written by Liz Vaccariello, author of the Flat Belly Diet, Mindy Herman, RD and the Editors of Prevention magazine, this cookbook and eating plan can help you lose the weight.
Read more...Off the beaten path with Vision Quest Ranch »
We spent the month of December hosting our family and friends for parties and the holidays. After entertaining so many people, I wanted our family to enjoy some time together with just the five of us. When we traveled for a birthday party this weekend, we looked for a simple and easy activity as well as one that would avoid the crowds at the larger family activities in the Monterey area. We enjoyed ourselves and learned some adventures can be found where you least expect them.
Read more...Super Bowl snacks »
Last night, after I watched my beloved Patriots clomp around the field like a bunch of inebriated farm animals and subsequently lose to the hated New York Jets, I softly wept. Not because of what I had just witnessed, but because of what I will miss out on now that my team did not make it to the big game – snacks.
Read more...CES 2011: Solar-powered laptop bags »
One of the best things about CES is wandering the massive show floor and finding a completely unique product that just makes you smile. I was rushing through one of the main halls and noticed that I was in front of the Samsonite booth. What the heck does a luggage company have to do with consumer electronics? I saw a small crowd gathered for a demo so I stepped inside.
Read more...Kid-Friendly Pasta Carbonara »
I was raised on pasta - by compromise, not by choice. My sister has always been a picky eater and for about a 10 year span she would eat only three foods: pasta, Mac ‘n’ Cheese (yes, brand only) and hot dogs. Eventually her tastes developed, and the dishes we ate became more varied.
Read more...Here’s to you, work-at-home-mom »
I am just back from a vacation in sunny Florida with my kids. For one week, it was just myself, and two little girls under the age of five. Sure, there were some grandparents around to feed them candy at bedtime and buy them pretty much whatever they chose at the toy store, but at the end of the day, it was just them and me.
Read more...Technology helps you keep your New Year’s weight loss resolutions »
Like many of us, I tend to partake in the annual eating marathon, starting from Thanksgiving to the New Year. While I feel the side effects of my consumption, it’s hard to turn down delicious treats with relatives and friends shoving them at you from every direction. Finally, January first arrives and I resolve to get back into fighting shape. Luckily, there are multiple technological methods to get us back on track and focused.