Austin, Texas: My new favorite city »

In case you missed my earlier solo vacation post, I recently traveled solo to Austin, Texas on my quest to vacation somewhere I’ve never been. The allure of Austin included the music scene, the promise of great Tex-Mex and BBQ, and the availability of direct flights from Boston on my favorite airline, JetBlue. These things, and more, contribute to my new infatuation with this hospitable and happening place.


Blog Marketing to Moms »

There was an interesting article today in emarketer called Blog Marketing to Moms Is About More Than Parenting. It discusses how Mom bloggers have become an important part of the marketing mix to a lot of brands and products, because they reach 32 million moms who go online in the US.


Lazy baking with Betty Crocker Mississippi Mud Supreme Bars Mix »

Every fall, my friends and I spend a few weekend afternoons traveling around Boston to cheer on our college field hockey team. Though it’s been years (I won’t tell you how many) since I’ve been in uniform and on the field, the fall just doesn’t feel like the fall without watching a few games.


The ban on texting while driving »

How is it going? I’m happy to report that since the ban went into effect last week, I have completely changed the way I spend my time in the car. My phone no longer rests in may lap waiting for that cursory glance every few minutes. I make sure to put it well out of my reach to even stop me from making unnecessary phone calls.


The truth about conference hopping »

But for a minute, it does. Remember that hierarchy I talked about before? It exists in this form. I've had some AWESOME opportunities in the last year or so and the future looks really bright for me in the blogosphere. By my own admission, I hold myself to a higher standard than I did when I started four-ish years ago. But I don't forget how I started and how important it was, and still is, for me to read and meet my fellow bloggers and have actual conversations with others about their blogs and their goals.


Fall desserts: Spiced Pumpkin Cookies »

I absolutely love the fall! From the cool temperatures to the beautiful views of changing leaves, I enjoy everything about this season – especially the food. I recently spent a day apple picking with friends and although I had fun collecting my body weight in Cortland and MacIntosh, I needed a little time before tackling that apple pie.


Visiting Asheville, North Carolina »

Back at the end of September, my colleague Megan and I packed up and headed down to Asheville, NC for the Type-A Mom Conference. It’s a great conference, offering insightful sessions and the opportunity to connect “in real life” with bloggers we’ve worked with and been reading for years. But more than anything, what made our weekend was the city itself.


Dads Get Hormone Boost While Caring for Baby »

An article from Live Science discusses new research headed up by psychologist Ruth Feldman at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. She found that the "love hormone," known for its role in strengthening the connection between mothers and babies, also has an effect on dads.


The Mom-Borg Collective Redux II: Resistance is Futile! »

Today’s Mom Bloggers are overall amazing: forging an entire profession woven out of the tapestry of powerful words. Proving ourselves smart and opinionated, we attract passionate readers and attention as influencers from companies and brands focused on reaching the Mom vertical.


Halloween treats from the California Pizza Kitchen Family Cookbook »

Are you looking to cook up a Halloween treat with the kids? Then try this Halloween recipe from the California Pizza Kitchen Family Cookbook. This spooky Jack-O-Lantern pizza is actually pumpkin pie on a pizza crust. This will be a fun Halloween recipe for the kids, and perfect to bring to parties at school or to serve at home.


Steve Jobs vs. the college student – would you buy from a company with a cranky CEO? »

I want to start this post off by saying, I love Apple products. Our family has five MacBooks (yes five!), three iPhones, two iPods, an iPod Shuffle and an Apple wireless router. And we are only a family of four with an infant baby girl who hasn’t learned to use such technology yet. Not only that, but in the offices of Mom Central, we all use MacBook Pro laptops.