2011 Chevy Cruze test drive and review »
When shopping for a new car, you have to balance all of the features you want against what you can afford. If you desire important safety features, leather interior, and navigation system you may not be able to afford all of these items and have to compromise on what you purchase. Until now with the Chevy Cruze.
Read more...Shady Day Daily Sun Protection Wipes »
With summertime in full swing, most of us can agree that our daily ritual includes applying sunscreen. Whether getting the kids ready for camp, preparing for a day at the beach, or even just a quick jaunt to the playground, each morning starts with slathering sunscreen on every family member.
Read more...The hard boiled truth about egg safety and the salmonella recall »
Egg safety news from Eggland’s Best eggs. My personal favorite brand of eggs is Eggland’s Best (EB). Not only are they delicious and more nutritious than store brands, but (for me) they’re a locally produced food product.
Read more...Smaller is better with the Pro Pack Mini Controller and giveaway »
One size does not fit all. In the past, when playing on a Wii gaming system, you couldn't choose a big or small controller. Players used the only size available and those with smaller hands had to manage, until Power A created the Pro Pack Mini remote.
Read more...Kraft’s Tuna Twister Melt and their Big Fork Little Fork iPad app »
Kraft Food sent me a loaner iPad to try out their new recipe app. You can read my review of Big Fork Little Fork here.
Read more...Big Fork Little Fork, a Kraft Foods app for the iPad »
Next time the kids ask what’s for dinner, just hand them your iPad and tell them it’s their turn to decide. Thanks to Kraft Food’s new iPad app, Big Fork Little Fork, you can do just that.
Read more...Seeing how the rich folks live: a tour of Hearst Castle »
Be honest, you play the What-If-I-Had-Millions-Of-Dollars Game. You dream of the house you would build, where you would live, how you would spend the millions. Some people don't just play this game, they know the reality of life with seemingly limitless amounts of money. One of these individuals was William Randolph Hearst. He inherited his fortune, created even more wealth in the newspaper industry, and built homes all over the world.
Fresh Wave Stinky Dorm Kit review and giveaway »
Between piles of undone laundry and last week’s leftovers,dorm rooms can build up unpleasant odors. The Fresh Wave Stinky Dorm Kit equipsstudents with odor-eliminating tools to make their dorms smell as clean ashome. The kit includes a 16 oz. bottle of Fresh Wave Odor Neutralizing Crystalsand an 8 oz. bottle of Fresh Wave All Natural Odor Neutralizing Spray. The crystals provide continuous long-term coverage and lastbetween 30 and 90 days. The protective lid peels off and ambient airflow doesthe rest of the work, spreading the odor-eliminating scent of the crystals intoa small room or closet.
Read more...PULL review »
It’s no surprise that marketing guru Keith Chambers would want to hold his business secrets close to the chest; but after more than 35 years in the business, Chambers opens up his playbook with Pull to show everyone from the seasoned business owner to the eager college student what they need to do to make themselves desirable in the marketplace.
Read more...2011 Social Media Conferences for Mom Bloggers »
Here's the 2011 calendar of social media conferences that would be of interest to moms (and dads) who blog. We’re always updating the calendar, so stop by often!
Read more...ZipShot tripods for photography on the go »
Since I decided to get serious with my photography and use my DSLR more, I’ve been interested in getting a new tripod. But which one to choose? It seems like there’s a tripod for every type of photography from table top to lightweight to professional.