ChargePod – Taming Charger Madness »
The MC Office received a ChargePod demo unit recently. I saw it sitting on a table and couldn't immediately identify it. The unit looks like a silver air hockey puck with seven holes around its edge. You plug the puck either into an AC outlet or your car (via an adapter) to power it up. You then have six "power ports" to charge any and all of your batter operated devices. The unit ships with three included "adapter tips" to connect it to an iPhone/iPod, cell phone (mini-USB) and camera (micro-USB). Also included is a coupon redeemable for a free fourth adapter of your choice via the CallPod web site.
Read more...Ron vs. Ron: iPad – Tool or Toy? »
This month, we begin a new feature at TechDad Central; Ron vs. Ron – I will be matching wits (and tech wizardry) with my friend Ron N from San Diego. A bit of background on him; he earned an Electrical Engineering degree from Stanford and an MBA from Harvard – despite these qualifications, he’s actually fun to be around with plenty of opinions. Most importantly, he’s guaranteed to take the opposite point of view of anything I say. That’s why we’ve been friends for 22 years! The picture to the right is Ron vs. Ron on the golf course - in our pre-Dad days.
Read more...Second edition of ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income just released »
Last week, Darren Rowse of and Chris Garrett of announced the release of the second edition of the book they wrote together a few years back - ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income. (They refer to it as “ProBlogger the Book,” which makes me wonder if “Problogger the Musical” is in the works.)
Read more...Wireless Headphones – Sennheiser PX210 BT »
I loved the concept of BlueTooth headphones. Unfettered by a cable, I could move freely around the house while listening to my favorite alternative 80's music (check out FirstWave on Sirius/XM !!!). My two kids get supremely irritated when Dad busts a move while listening to Depeche Mode … and being able to annoy them silently via wireless headphones seemed too good to be true.
A visit to the I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! test kitchen »
Learning about ICBINB marketing and nutrition. After the cooking demo, we went into a meeting room and saw some of the older commercials with Fabio and the new “Turn the Tub Around” commercial with Megan Mullally. (See them for yourself at the I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter YouTube video channel.) The new commercial is pretty silly, but entertaining in a Glee sort of way. However, it does get across the point that there are no transfats and no hydrogenated oils with their new formulation.
Read more...How to prepare for a new baby »
I remember being pregnant with my first child. I was excited and anxious at the same time. I had never gone through childbirth before. I could barely keep my plants alive, yet alone another human being. I truly believe that you could take every class there is and read every book out there and still find things you weren't prepared for when your little one comes along.
Read more...Vivabox Review »
Luckily for gift-givers (and receivers!) everywhere, Vivabox has revamped the traditional gift card with their gift box packages. Packaged by theme, each Vivabox includes gift items to use or taste and a gift card that enables the recipient to purchase the gift item he or she found most appealing.
Read more...Is the iPad just an iFad? »
When the innovative tablet made its mainstream debut on April 3rd, lines snaked around the mall as anxious techies clamored for the their first glimpse. As a bonafide early-adopter, I remain a huge Mac advocate, and usually wait impatiently for the newest product to launch. As the days dwindled to the unveiling for the iPad in retail stores, my feelings could only be described as lukewarm. I just do not see the intrinsic value of a large-scale iPhone – without the phone capabilities! I have my laptop for internet, email, word processing and the like. I have my Kindle or actual, real-life books for reading. My iPhone or Wii handles all my gaming desires. Never once have I thought, “Man I wish all these things could be in the same place! There must be a more efficient way!”
Shera Roetcisoender, Contributing Editor »
When Shera isn't writing for Mom Central and researching tips and tricks for a healthier family, you will find her at her personal blog A Frog In My Soup, which incidentally is about life as a mom and not about cooking frog soup. She also does digi scrapping for several amazing artists and designs blogs for moms.
Read more...Win a copy of “Bump it Up” – a great book for keeping your pregnancy style in check! »
Hello Mom Central Baby Blog readers! I'm excited to join the team as a contributing blogger. I have been working at Mom Central for the past year as an Account Supervisor and looking forward to adding my experiences and product reviews to the Baby Blog.
Read more...Slow cooker vegetarian recipes: Turkish-Style Barley Soup »
This high fiber and protein soup recipe comes from The Vegetarian Slow Cooker: Over 200 Delicious Recipes by Judith Finlayson.