Monetizing Your Blog with Ad Networks 2 »

Are you looking for ways to monetize your blog? It's a great way to make money doing something you love. But how?


Should You Permit Paid Links or Text Ads on Your Blog? »

Recently, several bloggers have asked me for advice on selling text links on their blogs. But before I start the discussion on whether that’s a good or bad thing, let’s go over some definitions first.


Why Affiliate Programs Don’t Work Well for Mom Bloggers »

Since I like to experiment and try different ways to monetize my blogs, I quickly signed up for several of these, and put ads in my sidebars for everything from VistaPrint to meal planning programs. I did everything I was supposed to including posting about the products or programs and running sidebar affiliate ads.


How Much Should You Charge for Advertising? »

Ever get an email from a potential advertiser asking you what your ad rates and sizes are. You’re excited that they want to buy ad space, but you have no idea what to tell them. Here are some tips.


Summer fun on Boston Harbor’s Spectacle Island »

Traveling during the summer on a college student budget can be a near impossible task. That is until I was introduced to Spectacle Island. The name alone intrigued me! Spectacle Island is an Island in the Boston Harbor part of the Harbor Island National Recreation areas. During the summer, it has ferries going round the clock to and from the island.


How to Get Your Blog on Amazon’s Kindle »

You can now publish your blog’s RSS feed for sale on the Amazon Kindle Store and Amazon will share revenue with you for every Kindle user who subscribes to your feed.


Monetizing Your Blog with Ad NetworksMonetizing Your Blog »

Joining an ad network is an easy way to monetize your blog. There are dozens of blog ad networks with new, niche ones starting every day. Here are a few of the better ones:


Social Media, Clients and Bloggers, Oh My! »

I'm a social media gal who moonlights as a blogger. Or rather, I am a blogger who parlayed my past experience and my love of the blogosphere into this job, which is perfect for me, my interests, and my skill set.


Amazon Associates Affiliate Program Now Integrated with Blogger Blogs »

Last week, Amazon announced their new program Amazon Associates for Blogger, a direct integration between Amazon Associates, their affiliate program, and Blogger. This new collaboration makes it easier for bloggers to monetize their content by adding relevant Amazon product links to blog posts without interrupting the blog editing process. Amazon Associates for Blogger is now available on the Associates Central webpage.


Taking the (Link)bait »

When I was in high school, there was a word I hated: social climber. I abhorred that word because it conjured up creepy crawly images of icky people that were disingenuous by nature and just, well, ick. Now there's a new word I detest for much the same reason: linkbait.


Blog to Win? Blogger Beware! »

There seems to be this new phenomenon occurring in the blogosphere. Every day my inbox seems to have an influx of pitches asking me to blog about a topic or product or service for the chance to win a gift card.