Saving Money with E-textbooks »

As most college students are still hanging out by the beach, going to the mall, or basically anywhere else besides the library, it’s safe to say that school’s nowhere near their minds. But as the weeks wind down, everyone will be in a frenzy to buy all the essentials for the next school year.


Working on the road with Verizon wireless MiFi »

Back when I was a kid and my family took vacations, it meant my dad couldn’t get a hold of his office and his office couldn’t get a hold of him. Gone are the days of unplugging from work when taking a family vacation. Thanks to wireless connections and smart phones, you can check email, access the Internet, and post to social networks easily while on a family trip.


When You Can’t Hit Ignore, Motorola Answers Hands Free »

The cell phone rings as you drive down the street shuttling your kids to their next activity. While you try to resist the urge to answer, the anxiety from the thought that it may be an emergency wins over. Juggling driving, talking on the phone, and quieting the kids turns a short drive into a nightmare.


Can You Hear Me Now? »

When the phone rings, chaos ensues. Moms know the feeling as objects shuffle around in their permanently full hands. The race to locate the receiver, along with the uncomfortable positioning of the phone between your shoulder and ear, sends many calls into a sea of frustration. Sound familiar?


2012 presidential campaign getting social with YouTube »

In an age where a person can “friend” someone in a different time zone or “tweet” thousands of followers simultaneously, it’s no question that social media have changed how we interact with each other. Although these newer platforms may have crippled traditional media, it also provides a source where news can spread in a matter of seconds – literally. It’s not an uncommon occurrence to get your daily newsfeed instantly from a Twitter stream or your friend’s status update rather than a newspaper.


Ditch the Buzzer and Wake Up with iHome GlowTunes »

After a busy day consumed by work and errands, nothing sounds better than hopping into bed and drifting off into a quiet, peaceful night’s sleep. But not too far into my slumber, a loud, obnoxious buzzer interrupts my sweet dreams… my alarm clock has a funny way of greeting me in the morning! Let’s face it, nobody likes to be woken up by something that sounds like a foghorn.


New weather app helps you look at the bright side »

As a resident of New England, I know all too well not to take “extended forecasts” too seriously, as we have some of the most unpredictable weather in the country. Let’s take the past seven days for example, last week was gorgeous: hot, sunny and in the 80s. Picture-perfect weather. The past two days in contrast: cold, rainy and in the 50’s.


Help! My kids want to enter the virtual world! »

In the last tech post I wrote here for Mom Central, I talked about using technology in the summer months to engage your kids in more than just computer games. I’m very comfortable helping my children use technology and I love all the opportunities it can provide to learn about our ever-changing world.


Facebook facial recognition software – convenient or criminal? »

Tagging photos on Facebook can be a long and tedious task. The uploading process is often slow, and if you have a large album it takes a while to go through photo by photo tagging every single person, however Facebook’s solution to the problem may be more of a problem than convenience.


Pay by smart phone with Google Wallet »

Keeping up with today’s technology is a definite challenge. Everyday there’s a new way to connect and communicate. Big companies have seen the profit from these advances. Also, they’re all competing to see who can develop better strategies to connect with consumers in a more convenient manner. Google is about to change the game with Google Wallet.


Buying a new smart phone »

In today’s fast paced society, technology advancements are made at such an overwhelming rate that the changes are baffling and confusing consumers more then assisting them. Buy the iPhone 3g now or wait for the 4g? Why buy the 4g when you know the 5g will come out months later.