Fridge and Freezer Clear-Out: How To Use What You’ve Got

Fridge and Freezer Clear-Out: How To Use What You’ve Got

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Do you ever come across those “pantry/freezer/fridge clear-out challenge” blog posts? Let’s face it: many of us are paying to freeze odds and ends that rarely – if ever – get eaten. A half-used bag of peas, a single, leftover piece of fish, some sausages someone brought over in the summer that never got grilled.

The posts challenge and motivate us to use what we’ve got, rather than buying new. It’s a challenge my teeming, overflowing chest freezer is begging me to do. Every afternoon, I approach the freezer with trepidation. I know I’ll never see what’s at the bottom, and I also know I’ll walk away from it with very little in terms of inspiration or ideas on what to make for supper.

Well, no more.

I am going to use what I’ve got in my freezer and save money doing so! Here are some strategies that will assist:

1. Inventory — I will make a list of all the item I find in my freezer. As I’m taking said inventory, I’ll be checking dates and throwing anything out that is too old or that is poorly packaged.

2. Research — I love to cook but my repertoire of recipes isn’t complete. I’m going to need some help from Google and Pinterest in order to be as creative as I’ll need to. I’m thinking frittatas, casseroles, stirfrys, soups, stews.

3. Meal Plan — using the freezer inventory list, I will attempt to marry items with things in my fridge and pantry, in order to come up with meals and satisfy recipes I’ve found.

I’m certain I will learn a lot through this exercise, too, namely how to waste less. I’m looking forward to it!

Have you ever undergone such an exercise?

Featured image credit: Jupiterimages/Thinkstock

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Natalie Rea
Natalie Rea
Mom to two amazing daughters - a feisty teen in middle school, and an ambitious young adult in university. Originally from Montréal's West Island, I now explore the beautiful trails of Hamilton, Ontario. Proud Canadian, vegetarian, dog-adopter, & bleeding-heart liberal. I smile a lot because I have Resting Bitch Face.
Natalie Rea