Creative Fundraisers with Permission Pads

Creative Fundraisers with Permission Pads

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Mom Central received samples of Permission Pads to facilitate this review. All opinions are our own.

Sometimes, coming up with creative and effective ways to fundraise can be challenging. We find ourselves resulting to the usual bake sale or silent auction, which end up needing lots of time and preparation. With our lives being busy enough as it is, we look for simpler ways to fundraise, whether for the PTA or your daughter’s Girl Scout Troop. Permission Pads offer the unique and successful answer we all search for.

Created by mother and wedding invitation designer, Mindy Wogan, these pads provide a useful purpose with cute designs. The quick checklist allows us to send notes to school conveniently before the kids run off to catch the bus. With provided styles, from hockey to musical notes, there are pads to match everyone’s personality and interests. The personalized pad options available also allow you to add your cell phone number or even change the font and colors!

They offer great fundraiser options as well and will work with your organization or fundraising committee. You can even choose to add a graphic or school logo! Simply send out the promotional flyer and place the order, and then Permission Pads takes care of the rest.

For more information on Permission Pads and to browse through more products and options, visit

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