Going fishing for some Zesty Lemon Garlic Tilapia at Sam’s Club »
Tilapia is a very popular fish when dining out and for cooking and eating at home. Sam’s Club is celebrating this mild, family-friendly fish this month and has a 200% satisfaction guarantee all year long on all of its seafood. (Sam’s Club offers their members a 200% guarantee for fresh products – that’s double the Member’s purchase price or refund the purchase price and replace the product.)
Read more...Using virtual technology to aid Japan »
The devastating tragedy in Japan has left many of us searching for different ways we could help the distressed country during its time of need. Humanitarian and relief teams are travelling to Japan to aid the country first-hand, but for those of us who can’t travel, new technologies make it possible for us to help Japan to our best efforts from home.
Read more...The Crabby Cookbook: a Trove of Recipe Ideas for Crabby Cooks Looking to Please Picky Eaters »
Jessica Harper has broken the kitchen ice. She has finally said what all us moms have wanted to scream out loud for so long as we discuss complex dishes with others as breezily as Julia Child, while on the inside we are thinking- “my child would never go near that fancy beef stroganoff with a ten foot pole! Never mind the fact that I would need an entire week’s vacation from the world just to pull off such a dish!”
Read more...St. Patty’s Leftover Corned Beef Hash Benedict »
It’s the day after St. Patrick’s Day and you’re taking down all the green décor and storing it in the closet until next year. Although the decorations may be put away, you still have something left from your St. Patty’s party - all of the corned beef you spent hours in the kitchen cooking! While against our wishful thinking, you simply can’t store that in the fridge until next year, but you can turn your leftovers into Friday night’s new hit!
Read more...Queso Dip for Meat Lovers: Johnsonville’s Spicy Sausage Queso »
While at the Johnsonville blogger retreat, another one of the many Johnsonville-inpsired dishes I sampled was the Spicy Sausage Queso. While the ingredient list might leave you calculating how many miles you'll have to run on the treadmill to burn it off, I can assure you that the recipe is well worth it.
Read more...Enjoy Johnsonville’s Hearty Twist on Grilled Cheese and Soup »
Taking a cue from the classic combination of grilled cheese and soup, this recipes combines several Wisconsin staples- cheddar cheese, Johnsonville Smoked Brats, and beer- into a delicious, filling soup. Serve in a big bowl with crusty bread or breadsticks for dipping and enjoy!
Read more...Do not say “staycation” »
About a month ago my family had big plans to travel to the Grand Canyon for Spring Break. Our one obstacle in the process seemed surmountable: finding the time to research and book the travel plans. But there’s a new hitch in our plan: our dog is sick. She has cancer and there’s nothing that can be done for her except to keep her happy and comfortable. We have no idea how much longer we have with her, so we will enjoy being with her as long as we can.
Read more...Energizer charging pad review – no more fighting over the phone charger! »
I heart my iPhone. My husband says I spend more time with it than I do him. And he’s right. But, so does he, and my teenage daughter also spends too much time with her iPhone. Needless to say, we need – short of an intervention – easy access to phone chargers to keep the obsession alive.
Read more...Tips for finding cheap airfares »
We’ve all been hit hard by this economic crisis and one place where its effects can really be seen is in airfare prices. 2011 is already seeing one of the highest spikes in airline fares in quite some time. It’s only March, and most of the major airlines have already hiked up their fees six times since December 2010! Also, many airlines have added a $400 fuel surcharge to each leg of a European trip.
Read more...Cider Braised Pork Chops help beat March weather »
Here in Boston, the slow March transition from winter to spring brings a mix of weather. Snow storms can be followed by rainy warm days and everywhere the ground is covered in a slick of mud.
Read more...Leftovers, it’s what’s for dinner »
Every night I am faced with the same dilemma: what should I make for dinner? I check the fridge, the cupboards, the pantry, nothing. I don’t even know what I want! Fortunately, I recently came across this website called Recipe Puppy.