Last minute Father’s Day gift ideas and children’s activities »

Father's Day is here, the one day a year when we celebrate the fathers in our lives! With little ones, you may be trying to think of a way to help your kids show their dad how much they love and care about him. Here are some fun, last minute ways in which you can help your kids celebrate Father's Day!


With my own two eyes: Lexus Family Safety Camp »

I once drove a race car at 147.6 miles per hour to celebrate a landmark birthday a few years ago. I admit it - I have a need for speed. This need isn't met as I drive my three boys around in my minivan everyday. That's why I paid money for the privilege to drive it like I stole it.


KinderCone »

Starting first grade marks a milestone in every child’s life. While the prospect of learning and meeting new friends proves exciting for both children and their parents, embarking on something so new and unfamiliar can feel daunting, too. To help make this transition easier and more fun, young children in Austria and Germany are given a Schultüte, a cone made from sturdy, colorful paper and filled with treats and school supplies, as they leave home for the first day of first grade.


You’re Not the Boss of Me »

As a best selling author and renowned parenting expert, Betsy Brown Braun offers advice on the tricky task of raising 4- to 12-year-olds in her book: You’re Not the Boss of Me. Throughout the book, Braun reassures us that every parent has been frustrated with the occasional “bratty behaviors” of children while reminding us that we the power to shape how our children behave.


The Hot Mom to Be Handbook »

In the midst of the excitement and happiness of expecting a child, the unanswered questions of impending Motherhood can also make it feel incredibly daunting to first-time Moms. What’s an expecting Mom to do? If conflicting advice from friends and relatives leaves you feeling even more anxious than assured, take a deep breath and flip through The Hot Mom to Be Handbook, a hip and honest book about the ins and outs of Motherhood.


Renewing My Commitment to renu: What happens to Consumer Trust Post-Recall? »

Ever since one day playing tennis during law school and I realized that the ball was completely blurry on the other side of the court, contacts (right alongside contract law) became a part of my daily routine. Along with them came renu saline solution, and all was well. That is, until the spring of 2006, when Bausch had a major voluntary recall of renu with MoistureLoc due to possible linkage to fungal eye infections. My optometrist recommended another brand. I switched. The other brand worked fine. It was safe. Four years passed, and renu faded from my brand retinue.

Enough, Enough of the “So-Called Mommy Bloggers!” »

That’s it. I’m finally ready to throw pieces of blog shard at the next person who refers to the “so-called mommy bloggers.” I got quoted in a piece this morning from the AP entitled, “Procter & Gamble hosts bloggers in stepped-up counteroffensive on Pampers Dry Max diapers.” In the article’s opening foray appears this one line, “It hopes the effort — including flying in the four so-called "mommy bloggers" from around the country because they can influence parents seeking product reviews, moneysaving tips and other advice — will deflect undeserved criticism.”


iPhone App Searching: There’s an App for that! Just where? »

How do you find if “there’s an app for that”? Besides the list of the Top 50 free and paid applications in the App Store, and maybe a “Hey you HAVE TO try this” recommendation from a friend, finding helpful and entertainment apps can be a mystery. There's hundreds of thousands of them after all, with thousands more emerging weekly as brands and developers get into the game. The suggested apps or “application of the day” generally prove to be much too broad or uninteresting.


12 brand new parenting books- a brief review of each! »

As the single most frequent complication of childbirth, Dunnewold and Sanford understand the importance of caring for yourself emotionally in order to succeed through the postpartum period and through the new adventures of motherhood.


Why should you monetize your blog with OpenSky? »

Connecting cool stuff with cool bloggers. So here's our BIG IDEA. There are amazing things being made all over the world right now by people whose businesses are just too small to reach the radar of the big chains. People like Donald from Duluth, Minnesota who makes really delicious almond butter. But no matter how awesome your stuff is, if you can't find a place to sell it you're kind of screwed. You don't need a graduate degree in economics to figure that out.


Buying organic beef one cow (or a half or a quarter) at a time »

eating organic beef I must admit I first heard of buying a cow on TLC's Jon & Kate Plus Eight. You might not be a big fan of them, and Kate might say she's more organic than she is in reality. However, she's got some pretty good ideas when it comes to buying organic in bulk, and buying a cow is one of them.

Buying organic meat in bulk

I've been looking into buying a share of a cow locally. If I purchase a quarter of a cow I'll receive 80 to120 pounds of organic, grass-fed, hormone-free, all natural, raised-not-just-in-the-good-ole-USA-but-less-than-50-miles-away beef. The price is approximately $4 per pound for a quarter of a cow, and the price goes down from there. This is much less than whait I pay at the grocery store for name-brand “natural” beef and it's greener because it takes much less to package and deliver the meat.